Frequently Asked Questions

Our mission is to provide efficient, accurate, and cost-effective solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our mission is to provide efficient, accurate, and cost-effective solutions that help you achieve energy compliance for your construction projects.

In California, Title 24 is triggered whenever a building permit needs to be pulled, or a building inspection is required. All new construction projects require compliance with Title 24, as well as additions. Alterations or retrofits that affect the building envelope (exterior walls, doors, windows, roof, floor), or electrical components will also usually trigger Title 24 compliance.

All buildings with occupancy required Title 24. Accessory Dwelling Units that have been converted from an existing space, or attached to an existing home will be considered a room addition. Newly constructed detached ADUs will be considered new buildings and will need to meet the energy code.

The fee we charge includes the completed CF1R form, CHEERS registration, and the Title 24 report imposed on Plansheet (24×36) PDFs. This is everything you need regarding Title 24 in the beginning of a project to obtain building permits.

Sometimes minor changes are made to projects before final inspection which usually won’t require a change to the Title 24 certificate. If that’s the case, call us to make sure. If the project scope is changed enough to where a new report is needed after a report has been completed, there will be a fee to generate new calculations and prints. 


We are located in South El Monte, California. Our office is centrally located in Southern California and work with all regional cities and counties.


Monday – Friday: 8AM – 6PM

Saturday: 9AM – 1PM

Title 24 Energy Compliance

Licensed & registered company in Los Angeles